Localisation training standards

One of the things we consider in our CPD assessments when checking training course materials is to consider localization and globalization needs.

So, first of all, what is localization and globalization in respect of training standards and why is it important? Let’s take a look at these questions.

Training Localisation vs Globalisation Training Standards

Training materials, courses, workshops, and conferences (amongst other learning media and opportunities), involve locations and markets that are different from our own. Let me show you a diagram and then I will explain further below.

Local and global training

As you can see in the diagram, training can be created for a ‘local’ market or it can be designed for a ‘global’ market.

Training Design and Education Materials for a Local Market

When we talk about a local market, this might not be the market where you are based geographically.

A training courseware designer might, for example, be based in the UK but sell training materials for the Australian market or for the American market.

So, if designing training materials for the United States, the idea of localization is that the materials (or whatever product or service you are creating) need to match the needs of that local market (in this case the USA).

So, to clarify, localization (localization in American English) is about making a product or service suitable for a specific local market.

How to Design for a Local Market and CPD Standards

Let’s take a further look at the USA as an example. If we were certifying training materials that are aimed at the American public, i.e. to be taught in the United States, then the following would be considered:

  • Is the content written using American English rather than British English?
  • Are there any specific examples that are given relevant to the local market (i.e., if a certain law or regulation is mentioned is it for the USA in this case)?
  • Are any examples given in the training materials and activities and so on made relevant to the local culture?

Note: Localisation and globalization checks are an additional option included in the audits we provide and at no extra price. We include localization on our CPD checklists though to give you extra further feedback and support in order to help you meet the right standards for your target market.

Training Designed for Global Market

If training materials and courseware are designed without a local market in mind, then the question is if the courseware is likely to be relevant for everyone.

If your training courseware is available for sale worldwide, will the materials make sense if taught in Singapore or Australia? Do you talk in the materials too specifically about one places and laws and ways of working?

There are usually quite easy ways to make materials perfect for the subject being taught, whilst still avoiding such specifics. You can normally talk in general terms when designing training courseware for a global marketplace.

Final Thoughts

When designing anything with CPD provision in mind, do think about who the market will be.

Are you designing for a global market or for a very specific market?

This question will direct you in terms of how specific and how general you should make the courseware.