CPD points requirements by sector

Do I need to Collect CPD Points?

Per se, it is not necessary to collect CPD points. CPD, in essence, is about continuing your learning and this can be via anything from attending a conference, to reading books on a certain topic, or undertaking a soft skills workshop, or attending a course in a chosen topic.

To be accepted and meet the requirements for membership of certain organisations and groups, they require you to accumulate a certain number of CPD points.

So, for example, if you are an accountant and want to be a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accounts, then they ask you to do a certain number of CPD hours.

Below we provide you with a list of some popular sectors and some info and a link to their CPD requirements if you wish to join them as a member.

What Counts as a CPD Point

Typically, like the courses and training materials we certify, 1 hour of learning time will typically equate to one CPD point.

So, for example, a full-day workshop that takes 7 hours will provide you with 7 – 8 points.

From What Types of Learning Can I Gather CPD Points?

The question often asked is what type of learning and development can I include to gather my CPD points.

The simple answer is that it depends on the group that you are a member of but, normally, you are allowed (and often recommended) to undertake anything that fits in with your own personal goals and that help you to move forward in your own development.

It is worth clarifying that CPD is not a qualification but a plan for trying to ensure that you continue your learning.

Unless a specific group or association you are a member of states otherwise, you can include learning from a wide variety of sources including, for example, to learn by:

  • doing a course such as on soft skills (such as an equality and diversity course or soft skills such as ‘Managing workplace conflict’ or managing ‘Digital wellness’. These skills naturally will help you in the workplace and in your work and skills-set).
  • attending conferences, webinars or other events
  • studying books and other materials through self-learning
  • doing an online course
  • undertake academic research
  • shadowing a colleague or another professional in you field



Association of International Accountants

There are various level of membership including for students, graduates, associates and fellows.

In terms of CPD, they require:

  • 20 or more points per year
  • Over a rolling three year period, they expect you to complete 120 points.

Read more on their requirements

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

The ACCA have a mandatory policy that they expect members to undertake 40 hours a year of verifiable CPD hours.

Furthermore, they expect you to submit a report by the end of each year detailing the completed units.

Further information here…

Association of Tax Technicians (ATT)

As a member of the ATT, they expect you have to a continuing professional development plan in place, as opposed to them requesting a certain number of hours that you must build up.

Your plan must be submitted for you and you self-certify your compliance.

All the info you need can be found here….

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

With members worldwide in over 150 countries, this institute is one of the main groups for accountants.

CIMA do not have any specific expectation of their members in respect of continuing professional development but they note that they advise recording the CPD efforts you make.

Learn about the CIMA’s reqs here

Independent Financial Advisors

The PFS request that their members undertake 35 hours of CPD learning each year and, of this, 21 hours must be structured learning.

More from the IFA…

Beauty & Therapies Sector

Beauty industry CPD

Federation of Holistic Therapists

The FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists) promote continuing learning to their members and they are happy for their members to gather that learning from a wide variety of topics related to therapies and business.

The FHT is great in that they provide you with a downloadable development PDF planning document that you can fill in, in addition to a CPD guide.

You can use the FHT’s logbook to detail any courses, certifications, learning, and development that you do.

They ask for 10 CPD points and this equates, in real-time, to 10 hours of learning. A very reasonable expectation per year.

Their info can be found here

Complementary Health Professionals

The Association of Complementary Health Professionals provides accreditation specifically for complementary health professionals.

You can read their policies here

Business Professionals

Business CPD

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)

The CIPD has a policy that they expect you to continue your professional development whilst a member of their organisation.

For this learning and development, they expect you to cover professional and/or business skills and knowledge, and further information can be found here.

Institute of Sales and Marketing Management (ISMM)

The ISMM ask that you do 20 points a year (so equates to around 20 hours of continuing development) annually and they provide a CPD diary for you to document your development.

You can find their membership info here


Dance cpd

One Dance UK

One of the leading organizations in the UK for dance training is ‘One dance UK’.

One Dance provides its own CPD courses for the dance industry and you can learn more here

BBO Dance

BBO, who provide dance training in the UK, ask their teachers and members to undertake a minimum of 18 hours per year, for full members.

For associate members, they ask for 6 hours per year (i.e. around 6 hours of development and learning).

You can learn more here…

Dance Knowledge

Created by Dr Luke Hopper, ‘Dance Knowledge’ provides CPD courses for dance teachers. You can learn more about their continuing professional development standards here…

Property, Building & Construction

Building CPD

Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE)

To be a member of the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE), they expect you to accumulate 35 points of CPD a year (so around 35 hours a year) and to be able to show 105 over 3 years.

They expect you to keep a record and to be able to show some proof, if ever asked, of the training and development you have completed.

Learn more here…

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors asks you to complete at least twenty hours of CPD each year.

You are also expected to document your CPD as a diary and to document evidence.

Learn more here…